In a groundbreaking move, OpenAI has officially launched the GPT Store, a revolutionary marketplace for GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers). These custom chatbot apps, fueled by cutting-edge AI models like GPT-4 and DALL-E3, are set to redefine the landscape of AI-powered interactions.
The GPT Store resides in a sleek new tab within the ChatGPT client on the web, offering a diverse array of GPTs developed by both OpenAI’s partners and the broader developer community. The store presents a cornucopia of AI capabilities, from lifestyle and writing to research, programming, and education.
Exclusive to subscribers of OpenAI’s premium ChatGPT plans, including ChatGPT Plus, ChatGPT Enterprise, and the recently unveiled ChatGPT Team.
OpenAI said on Wednesday that it was opening an app store for people to share customized versions of its popular AI chatbot, ChatGPT. With the GPT Store, the company hopes to turn its tech into an online platform that connects businesses and customers.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) January 10, 2024
🔍 Explore, Engage, Evolve: The GPT Store Experience
Users can navigate through popular and trending GPTs on the community leaderboard, discovering novel applications in various categories. At launch, the store features offerings like a trail recommender from AllTrails, a coding tutor from Khan Academy, and a content designer from Canva – all available for free, at least for now.
Building GPTs has never been more accessible; developers can craft simple or intricate chatbots without coding experience. OpenAI’s GPT Builder tool allows developers to express the desired capabilities in plain language, paving the way for an AI-powered chatbot tailored to specific needs.
OpenAI GPT Store
đź’ˇ What Lies Ahead: Gpt Builder Revenue Program
While GPTs are free, OpenAI plans to introduce a “GPT builder revenue program” in Q1. U.S. builders can expect to earn income based on user engagement with their GPTs. Specific criteria for payments will be revealed at a later date, promising exciting opportunities for developers.
👩‍💻 Behind The Scenes: The Human Element in the GPT Store Review Process
To list GPTs in the store, developers undergo a verification process and submit their creations toOpenAI’s new review system. This system, employing a blend of human and automated review, ensures GPTs comply with the company’s terms of use. Questions regarding the compensation and well-being of reviewers remain, raising intriguing considerations about the “human” aspect of the review process.
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đź“… From Announcement To Reality: The Gpt Store Journey
The GPT Store was initially announced during OpenAI’s DevDay last year but faced delays, possibly linked to a leadership shakeup in November. The store now stands as a testament to the democratization of generative AI app creation, posing potential challenges to consultancies that focus on building similar systems.