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Exclusive Interview: Meet the Author of “Digital Assassins” series, Danielle Spencer

Jun 25, 2024 | Interviews, News | 0 comments


Danielle Spencer
Author | Whistleblower | Privacy Advocate
Book: “Digital Assassins”– 2 series

A Federal Government Whistleblower turned an Award Winning Author

Meet Danielle Spencer, a compelling figure whose journey from a distinguished federal government career to becoming an award-winning author is as courageous as inspiring. With over two decades of senior leadership experience in business, finance, and acquisition management, Danielle Spencer is a seasoned professional and a relentless advocate for justice and transparency. When Spencer decided to take on corruption in the federal government, her career took an unexpected turn. She became a whistleblower due to her choice, a role she accepted despite its difficulties and consequences.

Regarding the writing journey, Mrs Spencer has written a series of books, Digital Assassins. Let us inform you that the whole book’s context is inspired by actual events that reflect the abuse of power and weaponization of private data by those who swore to protect it.

The series documents how taxpayer resources can be used against US citizens who stand against corruption.

Interview Summary

1. Mrs. Spencer, your decision to blow the whistle on corruption within the Federal government marked a pivotal moment in your career.
What prompted you to take such a bold step, knowing the potential risks?

Danielle Spencer: Actually, I didn’t know or realize that there were any risks in reporting acts that I believed were illegal or unethical. I was raised by moral, ethical and law-abiding parents. Growing up, they surrounded me and my siblings with moral, ethical and law-abiding adults. My interactions with corruption were minimal at best; what I learned about crime and corruption was mostly from television, and in the world of TV, bad actors are usually punished. Therefore, it was second nature to me to raise awareness of behavior and actions that I thought violated either federal or state law or government policy.

2. Talking about the “Digital Assassins,” your book is more than just a narrative; it’s a testament to your resilience in the face of adversity..
Where have you taken inspiration, or have your own experiences inspired you?.

Danielle Spencer: Nothing inspired me. I was taught that wrongs must be addressed, which is what I did. Growing up, not only were my parents active church members, but they were also active in the NAACP and their labor unions, especially my father. As a young person, I remember assisting my father by reading complaints and attending NAACP meetings with him. Therefore, it was ingrained in me, at an early age, that people should speak up and stand against the acts of bad actors.

3. Moving ahead, the book sheds light on the misuse of power and privacy violations that affect everyday citizens..
What challenges did you encounter while documenting these sensitive events?

Danielle Spencer: Thankfully, I encountered no challenges documenting these events or writing the book. My challenges began before I wrote the book and after the book was published.

Before the book, I experienced events such as misplaced/misdirected complaints, rerouted mail and emails, or dismissive responses. For example, I submitted a complaint to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), and for some reason, it was ” misdirected” and never entered the system for investigation. Thankfully, I kept a copy of my submission so that I could prove that I submitted the complaint.

After the book was published, I continued to experience challenges spreading the word about the misuse of power and privacy violations. The tactics have mostly remained the same: rerouted mail and emails or dismissive responses. However, the challenges are now more directed towards announcements about the books.

4. Danielle, you aim to raise awareness about systemic issues through social media and your writing.
What do you hope readers will take away from “Digital Assassins”, and what changes do you believe will provoke societal attitudes towards privacy and justice?

Danielle Spencer: I hope that my readers know and understand that white-collar crime IS a crime and should be punished. There are educated, professional bad actors worldwide; they work in every profession, including the federal government, politics, banks, and the court system – no profession is exempt. These bad actors can take advantage of taxpayer resources, political divisions, technology and legal loopholes to abuse and misuse people, not just whistleblowers.

One of the events I describe in Digital Assassins is when a title company committed what I believe was insurance fraud by violating the privacy of other state residents. This company developed and distributed a false title search report, using other people’s debt to falsely claim that I had over $120k worth of liens and judgements against my home—which was a complete fabrication.

While I believe this happened to me because I am a whistleblower, this same tactic can be used against other groups of people to ensure that certain people cannot access lending funds. Using this event as an example, I believe that laws need to be developed and strengthened that forbid companies from violating consumer’s privacy by taking their credit/debt information and sharing it with other entities without their consent. Moreover, there should be legal and financial consequences when an individual and/or a company intentionally creates fraudulent documents or falsified records.

5. How do you maintain your personal integrity and resilience amidst the challenges you have faced in your career and as an author?

Danielle Spencer: I am able to maintain my integrity and resilience due to my Christian faith. I was raised in the Christian church, and this experience has only strengthened my beliefs. Not only do I have an unwavering determination to succeed, but I am also willing to be patient to see this struggle through to the end, even if this is a lifetime endeavor.

Moreover, not only do I have a great support system of family, friends, and Church members, but I also have plenty of historical figures to inspire me. I won’t sugarcoat my journey; it hasn’t been easy. However, I haven’t been asked to make the sacrifices that my ancestors have so I can be resilient and endure to the end.

6. Beyond your current achievements, what are your future endeavors? Do you intend to continue writing on similar themes or explore new areas of advocacy and storytelling?

Danielle Spencer: I plan to continue giving lectures and discussions concerning whistleblower retaliation, privacy violations and data theft in addition to running for state office. I also plan to write one additional book, Digital Assassins III, which will have a theme similar to my first two books.

7. Given your experiences, what advice would you give to individuals considering whistleblowing or speaking out against injustice in their organizations?

Danielle Spencer: Anyone, whether they plan to be a whistleblower or speak out against injustice, should do the following things to protect themselves:

1. Know the law and your company policy. Ignorance is NOT bliss and can hurt you later in life or your career.

2. Document decisions and the people who make them, especially if they are questionable. People tend to get ‘amnesia’ when the results of a decision start to manifest and you don’t want to be the person being blamed for someone else’s decisions and actions.

3. Keep both paper and electronic records. Electronic records can be manipulated; therefore, you should always have a paper version available as a backup.

4. Get involved. Partner and support existing advocacy, privacy organizations, and community and local organizations (e.g., churches, libraries, community festivals, book fairs, and bookstores) and advocate for Legislative changes.

5. Lastly, create a great support system by surrounding yourself with people who share your moral and ethical compass. In life, everyone will face some type of adversity. Not only will these people help you navigate this adversity, but people of good character and conduct can’t be used or bribed to work against you.

To Order Digital Assassins Book Series by Danielle Spencer

The released series of Digital Assassins is available at the following retailers:

👉Digital Assassins, Surviving cyberterrorism and a digital assassination attempt: Get A Copy

👉Digital Assassins II, Taking the Fight to the Judicial Branch of Government: Get A Copy

☑️Barnes and Noble
👉Digital Assassins, Surviving cyberterrorism and a digital assassination attempt: Get A Copy

👉Digital Assassins II, Taking the fight to the Judicial Branch of Government: Get A Copy

☑️Books a Million
👉Digital Assassins, Surviving cyberterrorism and a digital assassination attempt: Get A Copy

☑️Visit the official Digital Assassins website for more information: Digital Assassins Book

You can also connect with Dannielle Spencer at her official handles – LinkedIn, Instagram, X, Facebook, YouTube. Also to learn more the author or her books, Click Here


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