Fashion Designer/Singer, Stacey Angela is becoming a household name. Her exclusive Stay by Stacey Angela collection has been heralded from the high-end fashion center of Japan to boutiques in Los Angeles.
In a mere fraction of a time, the fashion community at large has taken widespread notice. Her use of sustainable yarns from companies such as Darn Good Yarn and upcycled materials such as leather, tulle, lace & silk & bamboo make creative appearances in the latest SP/SU 2021 collection.
Her crochet pieces have been featured in the Miami Herald, Grand Life Daily, Lifestyles-of the Authentic & Creative,,, Lincoln Road magazine, Nylon, Americas Next Top Model, VH-1, Complex Mag, Suede, LA Talk-Radio, just to name a few. Not only have her pieces become edgy traveling fashionistas’ necessity, but her fashion-perspective/public relations expertise is also called upon regularly as she’s written for a number of publications
Her recent creation of STAY MAGAZINE & STAY MAGAZINE LIVE provides a platform focused on the best & the brightest in Fashion, Art, Music & Lifestyle.
As featured in BIZBoost Magazine Issue #8 P. 49-51. Witness Unique Multimedia Experience, The Visual Storytelling! Revealing Global Diversity, for the Passionate Creative Minds. With 36.6 MILLION MONTHLY GLOBAL REACH of #BIZBoost 🚀 Click here to View!
INTERVIEW with Stacey
What sparked your interest to enter the fashion and entertainment industry?
Stacey Angela: I have always been surrounded by family that traveled the world and they were extremely creative and fabulous. My Mom taught me how to crochet when I was 9 yrs old. My Mom and Aunts had me at fashion show presentations very often.. I had a childhood inspired by Fashion, Food, Entrepreneurship & Education.
What fashion events or projects are you currently working on?
Stacey Angela: Currently I’m working towards NYFW in September and where I will be presenting my clothing line STAY by Stacey Angela & NFT Collection.
Please tell us about your latest media endeavors?
Stacey Angela: STAY MAGAZINE LIVE is currently working on the next batch of interviews of amazing people who are doing incredible things in Fashion, Art, Wellness, Music & Lifestyle.
As a designer, how would you describe your style?
Stacey Angela: The STAY represents for the Sexy, Edgy, Traveling Fashionista. Crochet is the medium inspired by the island of Jamaica and other dope locations around the world.
What else would you like our readers to know about you?
Stacey Angela: I want readers to stay focused on your dreams. There will be tons of beautiful experiences. Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s in your failures that you find out your next steps. You can do anything you put your mind to. Finally, loyalty is everything. Pay attention to those around you and appreciate the blessings.
WATCH BIZBoost Talks LIVE with Stacey Angela: Fashion Insider, Challenges & Mental Health
How can we keep up to date with you on social media?
Stacey Angela:To follow my journey visit IG: @staceyangelapproved_tv/ & @staybystaceyangela or STAY MAGAZINE on BIGO
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Photo Credit: @cyriemelody